Amazing David

Amazing David

Friday, April 17, 2015

Believe in Magic, Be The Miracle !

" The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper..."

Remember this scene?

Two of my favourite actors, Jim Carrey and Morgan Freeman, in the epic Be the Miracle scene from Bruce Almighty.  My ever first business card,that I created on Microsoft PowerPoint, (Yes PowerPoint),had that tagline, “Believe in Magic, Be the Miracle”. So what is the Magic you Believe in? And are you the Miracle?  We all have Magic inside us. I do the Kind of magic where I create things that look impossible, using sleight of hand, scientific techniques and psychology. What is your Magic?  Do you paint? Do you make music? Are you a writer? Or do you do something so out of this world that no one has ever heard of it? Your Magic is what you are Good at doing! Find your magic... cultivate it... show the world your Magic... and use your Magic to be the Miracle...

A miracle doesn’t have to be the parting of the ”Red” Sea or feeding 5000 with a handful of food. If you can make one life a little better, that is a miracle. Miracles Happen all the time, we just need the eyes to see it.  You can use your magic to create miracles. Give to charity, buy the kid on the street an ice cream, give leftovers to stray animals. If you make music, go out and make music at an old age home. If you paint, sell the artwork and use part of the money to buy a less fortunate soul a meal or a blanket or some clothes. The joy of giving can really be miraculous. One Act of Random Kindness will not change the world... but it will make the day for that one soul and you will be blessed. As a performer myself, I perform numerous show a year for poor children and old age homes. In return I receive uncountable blessings. I experience a different joy when i feed the puppies around Victoria Memorial area in Kolkata. The wagging tails and yelps bring a different feeling altogether. Know your Magic and Be the Miracle... and you too will be wondrously blessed!

Stay Blessed!

Amazing David. 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Emotions vs Practicality...

“ Break free from the chains that shackle each soul through the binding links of fear, greed and indifference...”

Recently I have been told, both directly and indirectly, that I need to be more practical in life ! I still consider myself to be a struggling entertainer who quit his schooling right after high school and chose to become a professional magician. I may be referred to as “Illusionist” now, but at one time its was “magician”, that I wanted to be!
 Man is an animal and as an animal we are blessed with a basic instinct. Sometimes you have to trust that gut feeling and jump! First leap of faith, quit studies... Second big leap of faith, quit my call center job.. Third big leap of faith..Ignore job offers from the UK,.. This list can go on. Every time I jumped, either the universe caught me in a net or gave me wings to fly.
 Today, I am proud to say that I am known name across the Nation if not the Globe. I as a person can not separate Emotions and Work. I work from the Heart. If I wasn't emotional I would not have been the performer or person I am today! I would not have achieved what I have today.
If I had possibly chosen to be practical, today I would have had a steady job, big bank balance, a car and more! But I would have been unhappy... and I choose to be happy! I know tons of practical people who earn a lot and yet are not happy with their lives. They say it’s more comfortable to cry in a Merc than on a bicycle but if I have to cry I would rather cry in the rain with my bare soles mixing with the Earth!  I may sound mean, but here is a little something for the practically unhappy people...

I guess there would be no Harry Potter if J K Rowling chose to be practical... there would be no Rocky if Sylvester Stallone would have been practical, there would not have been countless KFCs across the globe if the old Colonel hadn't been emotional!
Dreams do come true!

See what Criss Angel has to say... 

I may have an untidy home, no car, not enough in the bank... but I do what I love, I spread smiles, and I am happy... and isn’t that what life is all about??

Until Next time..

Don’t loose the Magic in Life...

Amazing David!

PS: Rant Over !

PS 2.0; Thank you Ruqaiyah for helping me put this together.. it's been years since I've written and I needed some polishing up ! 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Rising from the Ashes...

Its been so long... so long that I actually had to search for the "New Post" button.
I guess my blog died way back in mid 2011 and was resting in peace till I got this sudden urge to write! So like a Phoenix I hope I am going to Rise from the Ashes.
Well If you have been following my work on my official facebook page, , you will know that my life is indeed a rollercoaster. However half the time I'm puking my guts out but I still throw my hands up and enjoy the ride.
I have decided to have the blog a little more personal too, not just writing about my magic, but also my life and my views. The views expressed here in are solely my own and I do not mean to offend anyone.
And heres just a random picture from a recent gig ! Performing one of my favorite effects at a Principals Meet for the Adamas University, at the Kenilworth Hotel in Kolkata.
And here is a random video of the effect too !!
Amazing David, LIVE! The Floating Table!!
Why this randomness?? Its been so long since I've written and there's so much i want to pen down that I am lost! I have a feeling like I'm sounding a teenage girl at a One Direction Concert!!
I hope I keep the magic alive on my blog and I don't go into a state of dormancy again!
In the mean time,I am a little off Youtube and have gone with Vimeo. The Official Channel being :
You are invited to stalk me on Instagram as: @amazingdavidmagic
Tweet tweet at: @iamamazingdavid
The soon to be Upgraded website is:

Keep the Magic Alive!!
Amazing David!